2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'house cat bengal'|Bengal Cats

About 'house cat bengal'|Bengal Cats

Animal               lovers               have               always               adored               and               respected               spotted               cats.

From               leopards               and               jaguars               to               margays               and               servals,               wild               cats               with               spots               or               rosettes               have               always               captured               hearts.

Unfortunately               for               these               wild               cats               and               their               progeny,               far               too               many               cat               owners               crossbreed               domestic               cats               with               their               wild               cousins,               leading               to               the               development               of               spotted               wild               cat               hybrids.

Wild               cat               hybrids               like               the               Bengal,               which               is               half               leopard-cat,               and               the               Savannah,               which               is               half               serval,               have               become               increasingly               prevalent.

According               to               cat               expert               Sarah               Hartwell,               this               is               bad               news               for               kitties.

Wild               cats               often               kill               their               domesticated               mates               during               coitus,               and               the               resulting               hybrids               are               often               unfriendly               or               aggressive.

Fortunately               for               cat               guardians               who               enjoy               the               appearance               of               spots               on               pet               kitties,               spots               aren't               unique               to               wild               cat               hybrids.

Many               domesticated               breeds               have               naturally               occurring               spots               developed               without               the               use               of               wild               DNA.

Here               are               a               few               entirely               domesticated               breeds               of               spotted               cat.
               Egyptian               Mau               
               The               Egyptian               mau's               ancestors               are               depicted,               essentially               unchanged,               on               in               ancient               Egyptian               art.

This               ancient               cat,               which               has               existed               in               some               form               for               at               least               4,000               years,               has               had               a               spotted               tabby               pattern               covering               its               entire               body.

Its               forehead               has               a               charming               "scarab               beetle"               marking               or               an               "M"-shape.

Maus               are               very               vocal               and               affectionate,               and               many               fans               of               the               breed               describe               them               as               dog-like.

Registered               Egyptian               maus               can               be               silver,               bronze,               smoke,               black,               blue-silver,               blue               spotted,               blue               smoke               or               solid               blue.
               Australian               Mist
               This               relatively               new               breed               originated               in               Australia               during               the               1970s.

Australian               mists               were               bred               from               Burmese,               Abyssinian,               and               domestic               shorthair               cats               with               the               intention               of               developing               a               shorthaired,               spotted               breed.

Australian               mists               are               mid-sized,               with               kitten-like               faces.

The               cat's               pattern               varies               from               relatively               bold               spots               to               a               a               "misted               veil"               appearance,               with               delicate               spots               arranged               throughout               the               body.

This               beautiful               breed               is               still               relatively               rare,               but               is               steadily               gaining               popularity               as               an               alternative               to               wild-hybrid               spotted               cats.
               California               Spangled               Cat
               Bred               specifically               tor               resemble               wild               species               such               as               the               leopard               and               ocelot,               the               California               spangled               cat               is               actually               100%               domesticated.

Anthropologist               Louis               Leakey               developed               the               breed               after               the               poaching               death               of               a               leopard,               deliberately               creating               a               cat               that               could               draw               attention               to               the               plight               of               its               wild               ancestors.

Leakey               believed               that,               if               the               breed               gained               popularity,               the               poaching               of               wild               leopards               might               end               because               people               would               not               want               to               wear               coats               that               resembled               their               pet               cats.

These               charming               little               house-leopards               are               increasingly               available               in               the               United               States.
               Despite               its               name,               which               implies               that               it               is               an               ocelot               hybrid,               the               ocicat               is               not               a               wildcat               hybrid.

It               was,               however,               bred               specifically               to               resemble               its               wild               South               American               cousin.

Bred               primarily               from               Siamese               and               Abysinnian               cats,               the               ocicat               has               overshadowed               other               spotted               breeds               in               popularity.

As               a               result,               it               is               considerably               more               affordable               than               many               other               spotted               cat               breeds.

Its               extremely               personable               nature               and               wild               appearance               make               it               an               ideal               pet               for               those               who               love               the               look               of               exotic               spotted               cats               but               want               a               cat               who               is               "all"               pet.
               Animal               lovers               don't               have               to               take               cats               from               nature               to               enjoy               the               wild-like               look               of               spotted               cats.

By               finding               a               reputable               breeder               who               specializes               in               exotic-looking               but               domesticated               kitties,               you               can               have               all               the               joy               and               satisfaction               of               a               wild-looking               cat--               without               exploiting               a               wild               animal               that               should               be               left               to               live               its               life               as               a               part               of               nature.
               Related               Work               by               Juniper               Russo               
               Toygers,               Bengals,               and               other               Little-Big               Cats               
               Tabby               Cat               Pattern               Types               
               Cat               Markings:               Terminology               and               Definitions

Image of house cat bengal

house cat bengal
house cat bengal

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house cat bengal
house cat bengal

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house cat bengal
house cat bengal

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house cat bengal
house cat bengal

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house cat bengal
house cat bengal

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  • Related blog with house cat bengal

    1. bigcatnews.blogspot.com/   03/28/2011
      ...OF BO VIEWABLE AT: http://new.bangordailynews.com/2011/03/27/lifestyle/bengal-bo-the-semi-exotic-house-cat/?ref=videos www.bigcatrescue.org
    2. shine.yahoo.com/blogs/author/ycn-1439553/   05/10/2013
      ...a domestic feline was in 1963 when Jean S. Mill invented the Bengal by crossing a house cat with the Asian leopard cat to create an animal with, the loving...
    3. my-cat-tips.blogspot.com/   03/15/2010
      ...many cats but the Bengal cat has different personality... than your average house cat. They are extremely... in Bengal cats: Bengal Cat Rescue Great ...
    4. catbreed.blogspot.com/   05/31/2007
      ...have the conformity and temperment of a common house cat whom we enjoy the company of. Felis... became the foundation of the Bengal Breed. All the later generations...
    5. bigcatnews.blogspot.com/   01/25/2007
      ... the cat as a house cat that's 10 ...article breeds bengals (http://www....don't meow like other cats. When they want something...
    6. www.myspace.com/torran23/blog   07/26/2009
      ...even hurt the animal once the Bengal starts climbing...up. Gods forbid the cat have a litter issue. It just...person who has a regualr house cat and never gets it...
    7. michenews.blogspot.com/   01/11/2008
      ... mixed with a domestic house cat, thus producing the most beautiful...don't forget that they have the fire inside!!! Bengal cats are extra long, with magnificent...
    8. bengalcatdomination.blogspot.com/   06/01/2008
      ... soft and silky. Bengals are very very active. Our cats have figured out...cabinet doors in the house and several of our ...
    9. jasondoesindia.blogspot.com/   08/18/2006
      ...what it really looks like. All the houses are on incredibly steep hills... conversation with him in Bengali, translated for me by Arnob...
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    house cat bengal

    2013년 11월 24일 일요일

    About 'african serval breeder'|Savannah Cat

    About 'african serval breeder'|Savannah Cat

                   It               has               been               awhile               since               there               has               been               a               kitten               in               our               house.

    I               had               forgotten               what               nonstop               fun               and               laughter               a               wild               little               cat               can               bring               into               your               home.

    I               hadn't               been               looking               for               another               cat,               but               my               husband               bumped               into               an               old               high               school               friend               of               his               and               he               has               two               Savannah               cats.

    Intrigued,               I               began               to               do               some               research               on               the               breed               and               got               hooked.

    I               am               drawn               to               the               more               exotic               breeds               anyway,               having               an               Egyptian               Mau               of               my               own               for               almost               five               years               now.
                   While               the               Mau               breed               is               a               true               domestic               cat,               the               Savannah               is               a               hybrid.

    They               are               a               cross               between               an               African               Serval               and               a               domestic               cat.

    They               come               in               F1               to               F6's               and               that               can               get               complicated               as               to               the               whole               genetic               thing.

    For               example,               an               F1               has               an               African               Serval               as               a               parent               while               my               little               F6               has               African               Servals               as               great,               great,               great,               grand               papas               on               both               sides.

    Most               people               want               them               because               of               their               beautiful               spotted               coats               and               their               intelligence.

    A               lot               of               myths               have               grown               up               around               the               Savannahs,               too,               but               as               with               most               myths,               much               of               it               is               not               true.
                   For               example,               most               people               think               my               little               kitten               will               grow               up               to               be               a               30               pound               behemoth.


    She               will               be,               perhaps,               a               little               bit               bigger               than               an               ordinary               domestic               cat,               but               that               is               about               it.

    If               she               were               a               higher               generation               SV,               then               she               might               be               a               little               bit               larger,               but               it               would               take               an               F1               to               be               anywhere               close               to               a               30#               cat               and               then               they               would               need               to               be               cross               bred               with               a               Maine               coon               cat               or               something               of               equal               size.
                   One               of               the               reasons               I               wanted               a               SV               was               because               of               the               way               owners               describe               their               personalities.

    They               are               smart               cats,               often               coming               when               they               are               called.

    Even               as               young               as               Makena               is,               I               see               her               beginning               to               respond               to               her               name               at               times.

    She               certainly               responds               to               my               voice.

    She               is               not               going               to               be               a               lap               cat               by               any               means,               but               she               does               love               to               be               in               the               same               room               with               us,               but               most               often               it               is               while               she               is               busily               tearing               up               the               toilet               paper,               or               ripping               across               the               bed               to               pounce               on               my               husband's               feet.

    She               also               waits               in               hiding               for               my               Yorkie               to               go               by               and               attacks               her.

    She               shows               very               little               fear,               but               has               learned               some               respect               for               my               German               shepherd.

    Missy               doesn't               tolerate               much               from               the               smaller               animals               and               when               she               has               had               enough,               she               simply               puts               her               foot               down,               literally,               on               the               animal               who               is               messing               with               her.

    I               think               Makena               has               been               "stepped"               on               and               has               learned               she               must               not               mess               with               the               big               dog.
                   I               am               enjoying               her               growing               and               learning               new               things               and               she               is               so               funny               to               watch               as               she               runs               around               the               house.

    I               can't               wait               to               see               what               she               will               get               into               next,               but               I               am               also               quickly               learning               what               I               need               to               keep               closed.

    I               warned               my               husband               just               yesterday               that               we               cannot               leave               the               toilet               paper               on               the               roll               thing               anymore               in               "her"               bathroom               because               it               will               just               all               be               unrolled               and               sitting               in               a               pile               on               the               floor.

    I               have               also               warned               him               to               check               very               carefully               in               the               refrigerator               before               he               shuts               it.

    She               is               so               fast               I               have               almost               shut               her               in               there               a               few               times               myself.
                   If               you               are               looking               for               a               kitten,               give               the               Savannah               a               look.

    Do               a               lot               of               research               first               and               know               what               you               are               getting               into.

    But               once               you               decide               on               one,               I               don't               think               you               will               be               disappointed               and               be               sure               to               buy               from               a               reliable               breeder.

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    african serval breeder
    african serval breeder

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    african serval breeder

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    african serval breeder

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    african serval breeder
    african serval breeder

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    african serval breeder
    african serval breeder

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  • Related blog with african serval breeder

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      ... her as a kitten from a breeder in Winnipeg. She loves ... to touch and pet her. African Servals are a member of the cheetah family...
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      ...at his home yesterday weren't returned. Serval cats look like small cheetahs...about 20 years old. On the Internet, a breeder in Kentucky offers male kittens...
    3. thai-panda.blogspot.com/   05/15/2011
      ... - called Servals - hail from sub-Saharan African and share common traits...without a licence. Breeders insist the cats...
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      ...introduction of half-wild cats. Breeders bored with mixing plain...the Savannah - half domestic cat, half African Serval. The first known Savannah ...
    6. catbreedspets.blogspot.com/   04/15/2010
      ... genetic influence of the African Serval ancestor. A female F1 Savannah Cat ... coat, and many early breeders employed "wild" looking...
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      ...quarter serval mixed with a domestic house cat, but it turns out servals -- small African wildcats -- are not allowed in Alaska in any ratio...
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      ...keeper. May 10, 2008 Carrollton, IL: Authorities have seized an African Serval named Max from Tammy Ruehl who was keeping it as a pet without...
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      ... me to a breeder’s website, which was...Felis catus , Felidae) with African wild cats known as a servals ( Leptailurus serval , Felidae...
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      ...two exotic feline bloodlines-the African Serval and the Asian Leopard-with a regular domestic...to 25 to 30 pounds. The exclusive breeder, Lifestyle Pets , describes...

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    african serval breeder Video 3

    african serval breeder

    About 'the largest cat breed'|...Consultation takes place on the agreed upon time. Contact.... I work with all breeds - from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian... Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs... In-person...

    About 'the largest cat breed'|...Consultation takes place on the agreed upon time. Contact.... I work with all breeds - from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian... Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs... In-person...

    The               serval               is               a               protected               breed               of               African               wildcat               that               a               lot               of               people               keep               as               pets.

    After               centuries               of               domestication,               as               early               as               Ancient               Egypt,               they               are               capable               of               bonding               with               humans               in               a               way               even               most               domestic               cats               don't               or               won't.

    They               are               loyal               and               intelligent               companions,               but               owning               one               is               lifetime               commitment.

    Once               the               serval               bonds               with               a               family,               it               doesn't               react               well               to               being               given               away.

    More,               the               serval               is               the               size               of               a               German               Shephard               and               requires               a               special               permit               to               own.

    So               what               do               you               do               if               you               like               the               breed               but               aren't               in               a               place               to               deal               with               the               commitment?

    There's               always               the               Savannah               cat.

    Savannahs               are               the               result               of               crossbreeding               servals               with               any               breed               of               domestic               cat.

    These               hybrids               are               considered               the               largest               domesticated               cat,               weighing               in               at               between               10               to               20               pounds,               depending               on               what               generation               you               have.

    Unlike               most               hybrids,               savannah               are               capable               of               breeding               with               each               other               and               other               cats.

    F1               generations               are               those               bred               from               the               serval               and               cat               parents,               and               they               tend               to               be               the               largest               and               most               wild.

    Subsequent               generations               of               breeding               the               hybrids               with               each               other               produce               smaller               cats               with               more               sociable               personalities.
                   This               breed               tends               to               look               like               the               serval               in               their               markings;               black               spots               on               a               dark               grey               or               brown               coat               is               the               breed               standard,               but               their               appearance               seems               to               depend               on               what               breed               of               domestic               cat               the               serval               is               bred               with.

    Savannahs               are               well               known               for               being               as               loyal               as               dogs               and               surprisingly               friendly,               often               following               their               owners               around               the               house               and               even               into               the               shower,               as               they               lack               the               domestic               cat's               fear               of               water.

    They               are               also               renowned               for               their               intelligence,               which               is               above               that               of               most               domestic               cats.

    Cats               can't               be               easily               trained               and               will               seldom               come               when               you               call.

    Despite               centuries               of               rumor               and               myth               about               their               disdain               for               such               things,               the               simple               truth               is               that               they're               not               intelligent               enough               to               be               taught,               generally               speaking.

    Savannahs,               on               the               other               hand,               can               be               taught,               just               like               dogs,               to               be               led               on               a               leash               and               play               games               like               "fetch".
                   While               savannah               cats               are               legal               to               own               in               the               United               States,               certain               states               may               have               their               own               requirements               for               ownership.

    Cities               might               even               have               different               requirements               than               the               state,               so               be               sure               find               out               all               the               information               you               can               before               you               buy               one.

    Hybrid               Law               is               a               good               place               to               start               looking.

    You               can               also               check               the               International               Cat               Association               section               on               Savannahs               for               information               on               breeders               and               how               to               care               for               one.

    Image of the largest cat breed

    the largest cat breed
    the largest cat breed

    the largest cat breed Image 1

    the largest cat breed
    the largest cat breed

    the largest cat breed Image 2

    the largest cat breed
    the largest cat breed

    the largest cat breed Image 3

    the largest cat breed
    the largest cat breed

    the largest cat breed Image 4

    the largest cat breed
    the largest cat breed

    the largest cat breed Image 5

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