2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'the largest cat breed'|...Consultation takes place on the agreed upon time. Contact.... I work with all breeds - from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian... Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs... In-person...

About 'the largest cat breed'|...Consultation takes place on the agreed upon time. Contact.... I work with all breeds - from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian... Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs... In-person...

The               serval               is               a               protected               breed               of               African               wildcat               that               a               lot               of               people               keep               as               pets.

After               centuries               of               domestication,               as               early               as               Ancient               Egypt,               they               are               capable               of               bonding               with               humans               in               a               way               even               most               domestic               cats               don't               or               won't.

They               are               loyal               and               intelligent               companions,               but               owning               one               is               lifetime               commitment.

Once               the               serval               bonds               with               a               family,               it               doesn't               react               well               to               being               given               away.

More,               the               serval               is               the               size               of               a               German               Shephard               and               requires               a               special               permit               to               own.

So               what               do               you               do               if               you               like               the               breed               but               aren't               in               a               place               to               deal               with               the               commitment?

There's               always               the               Savannah               cat.

Savannahs               are               the               result               of               crossbreeding               servals               with               any               breed               of               domestic               cat.

These               hybrids               are               considered               the               largest               domesticated               cat,               weighing               in               at               between               10               to               20               pounds,               depending               on               what               generation               you               have.

Unlike               most               hybrids,               savannah               are               capable               of               breeding               with               each               other               and               other               cats.

F1               generations               are               those               bred               from               the               serval               and               cat               parents,               and               they               tend               to               be               the               largest               and               most               wild.

Subsequent               generations               of               breeding               the               hybrids               with               each               other               produce               smaller               cats               with               more               sociable               personalities.
               This               breed               tends               to               look               like               the               serval               in               their               markings;               black               spots               on               a               dark               grey               or               brown               coat               is               the               breed               standard,               but               their               appearance               seems               to               depend               on               what               breed               of               domestic               cat               the               serval               is               bred               with.

Savannahs               are               well               known               for               being               as               loyal               as               dogs               and               surprisingly               friendly,               often               following               their               owners               around               the               house               and               even               into               the               shower,               as               they               lack               the               domestic               cat's               fear               of               water.

They               are               also               renowned               for               their               intelligence,               which               is               above               that               of               most               domestic               cats.

Cats               can't               be               easily               trained               and               will               seldom               come               when               you               call.

Despite               centuries               of               rumor               and               myth               about               their               disdain               for               such               things,               the               simple               truth               is               that               they're               not               intelligent               enough               to               be               taught,               generally               speaking.

Savannahs,               on               the               other               hand,               can               be               taught,               just               like               dogs,               to               be               led               on               a               leash               and               play               games               like               "fetch".
               While               savannah               cats               are               legal               to               own               in               the               United               States,               certain               states               may               have               their               own               requirements               for               ownership.

Cities               might               even               have               different               requirements               than               the               state,               so               be               sure               find               out               all               the               information               you               can               before               you               buy               one.

Hybrid               Law               is               a               good               place               to               start               looking.

You               can               also               check               the               International               Cat               Association               section               on               Savannahs               for               information               on               breeders               and               how               to               care               for               one.

Image of the largest cat breed

the largest cat breed
the largest cat breed

the largest cat breed Image 1

the largest cat breed
the largest cat breed

the largest cat breed Image 2

the largest cat breed
the largest cat breed

the largest cat breed Image 3

the largest cat breed
the largest cat breed

the largest cat breed Image 4

the largest cat breed
the largest cat breed

the largest cat breed Image 5

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