2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'hybrid cat breeds for sale'|information about dog breed

About 'hybrid cat breeds for sale'|information about dog breed

I               decided               to               create               this               series               of               articles               to               address               the               top               questions               I've               been               asked               as               a               veterinary               technician.

I'm               a               CVDT               (Certified               Veterinary               Dental               Technician),               have               been               in               the               field               for               over               ten               years               and               have               noticed               a               trend               in               the               most               commonly               asked               questions               by               pet               owners.

The               answers               found               in               these               articles               will               reflect               how               things               have               been               done               in               my               experience               only;               keep               in               mind               that               all               veterinarians               and               veterinary               hospitals               have               varying               policies               and               techniques.

For               the               purpose               of               this               article,               we're               going               to               do               something               a               little               differently.

We've               all               read               articles               or               seen               experts               on               the               television               telling               us               how               to               find               a               good               pet               breeder.

But               I               want               to               pinpoint               some               things               that               typically,               if               encountered,               should               send               up               huge               red               flags               when               you're               in               the               process               of               searching               for               a               new               pet.

In               general,               these               guidelines               can               apply               to               dog,               cat,               bird               or               any               other               kind               of               pet               breeder               for               that               matter.

Low               Prices               or               Abnormally               High               Prices
               Ok,               everyone               is               looking               for               a               bargain.

We               all               get               it;               the               economy               is               bad,               you're               retired,               you               have               other               obligations               for               your               money,               or               perhaps               you               just               want               to               find               the               cheapest               pet               possible.

Here's               the               rub.

You               get               what               you               pay               for.

A               good               quality               breeder               typically               charges               more               for               their               animals               because               they               are               worth               more.

A               good               breeder               breeds               for               the               benefit               breed,               not               for               the               income.

Bad               breeders               breed               for               the               income               so               they               are               more               apt               to               sell               at               a               lower               price               in               the               efforts               to               sell               more,               and               more               often.

Get               to               the               bottom               of               why               your               breeder               charges               what               they               charge               and               get               details               on               what               they've               done               for               the               animals               and               the               parents.
               On               the               other               hand,               watch               out               for               those               super               high               priced               mixed               breed               puppies               and               kittens               or               hybrid               birds               and               other               pets.

Ultimately,               what               you               are               getting,               is               a               mutt,               or               mix.

For               example,               if               you               pay               $1000               for               a               dog               because               the               breeder               has               totally               hyped               up               the               Labradoodle,               wouldn't               you               feel               pretty               stupid               later               on               telling               people               that               you               just               paid               a               grand               for               a               mutt               dog               that               you               probably               could               have               found               in               a               shelter?

No               matter               what               these               mixed-breed               breeders               tell               you,               it's               still               a               mix.

No               two               will               ever               come               out               the               same               and               they               cannot               predict               what               type               of               coat               or               personality               the               animal               will               have.

Use               your               dollars               for               a               high               quality,               healthy               animal               that               hopefully               has               a               long               family               line               of               good               quality               health.

Price               Change
               Now,               this               should               just               be               plain               obvious!

If               you               contact               a               breeder               for               say               a               Doberman               puppy,               or               maybe               a               Macaw               chick               and               are               quoted               a               price,               that               price               should               remain               in               effect               until               you               purchase               said               pet.

If               that               changes,               you               need               to               be               concerned.

Quality               breeders               set               their               prices               to               cover               their               costs               from               the               beginning.

If               the               price               starts               to               go               up               ever               couple               of               days,               run               away!

Restricted               Access               to               Kennels,               Catteries,               Aviaries,               etc.
               You               should               always               be               allowed               to               see               the               parents               of               the               pet               you               are               interested               in.

You               should               also               always               be               allowed               to               see               the               facilities               in               which               the               pets               are               housed,               fed               and               exercised.

Many               breeders               will               tell               potential               customers               that               they               cannot               allow               just               anyone               to               pass               through               their               facilities               due               to               the               possibility               of               transmitting               diseases.

Again,               a               red               flag.

If               they               don't               allow               customers               to               go               through               the               actual               kennel,               cattery,               aviary               or               other               housing               they               should               at               least               have               it               set               up               so               you               can               see               it.

The               animals               should               be               healthy               enough,               vaccinated,               etc.

to               be               able               to               ward               off               any               potential               disease               threats               that               may               occur               from               walking               by.
               Insist               on               seeing               the               facilities               and               the               parents               of               the               pet               you               are               purchasing.

Getting               a               good               look               at               the               parents               is               going               to               give               you               a               better               idea               about               your               own               purchase.

Interact               with               them               and               see               how               they               interact               with               the               other               animals.

It's               also               always               a               great               idea               to               watch               your               chosen               pet               interact               in               its               familiar               surroundings.

Many               times               breeders               will               remove               the               bird,               puppy               or               dog               into               a               separate               facility               so               that               he               is               the               only               one               you               are               able               to               see.

Regardless               of               what               kind               of               animal               it               is,               it's               always               best               to               see               how               he               acts               with               others               and               also               to               check               out               what               type               of               environment               he's               been               living               in.

Poor               Quality               Housing
               This               is               a               huge               red               flag!

If               you               come               across               what               is               referred               to               as               a               "backyard               breeder"               turn               away               and               turn               away               fast!

While               these               are               most               commonly               dog               breeders,               they               can               be               any               type               of               animal               breeder.

The               term               "backyard               breeder"               is               used               both               literally               and               figuratively.

If               you               see               a               mother               Lab               chained               up               in               the               back               yard               with               her               little               of               puppies               "for               sale",               that               is               a               backyard               breeder.

If               you               come               across               a               parrot               breeder               with               a               bunch               of               tiny               outdoor               cages,               with               birds               crammed               in               to               the               max               and               babies               like               crazy,               that               too               is               considered               a               "backyard               breeder".
               Anytime               you               see               these               bad               conditions,               you'll               know               that               it's               a               poor               situation.

Don't               fall               into               the               trap               of               buying               the               pet               because               you               "feel               sorry"               for               it,               either!

These               breeders               get               away               with               it               because               they               are               continuously               supported.

They               couldn't               care               less               what               your               reasoning               for               buying               is.
               Mills               are               a               huge               problem               as               well.

These               are               seen               when               breeders               produce               high               volumes               of               pets               of               a               large               variety.

The               most               common               are               puppy               mills               which               are               easy               to               recognize;               loads               of               puppies               for               sale               from               a               ton               of               different               breeds.

Again,               good               quality               breeders               breed               for               the               love               of               and               the               quality               of               the               breed               itself.

You               won't               find               many               great               breeders               that               offer               ten               different               breeds               of               puppies               at               any               given               time.

Unknown               or               Unacceptable               Medical               History
               Always               insist               on               seeing               medical               records               for               your               chosen               pet,               whether               it               be               veterinary               examinations,               vaccinations               or               dewormings.

Even               if               the               pet               has               had               a               condition               in               the               past,               it               is               important               for               the               breeder               to               show               you               this.

But               don't               stop               there!

You               should               always               know               the               medical               history               of               the               parents'               as               well.

This               goes               for               dogs,               cats,               and               birds.

Those               parents               are               going               to               be               a               prime               example               of               what               your               pet               is               going               to               live               up               to.

If               the               parents               have               a               history               of               arthritis,               yours               will               likely               have               it               as               well.

Most               good               breeders               will               have               hips               and               elbows               certified               for               large               breeds               of               dogs               and               are               ready               to               show               this               certification.

All               species               and               breeds               have               particular               things               to               look               out               for               that               are               common               within               that               breed               so               never               be               afraid               to               ask               the               breeder               to               show               what               has               been               done               in               the               past               for               your               pet               and               the               parents.
               When               you're               looking               for               a               new               pet               it               is               an               exciting               time,               but               don't               get               so               caught               up               in               it               that               you               take               home               the               first               one               you've               found               if               you've               come               across               any               of               these               red               flags.

Ultimately,               it               is               your               money               and               you               are               purchasing               an               animal               that               you               are               going               to               have               to               live               with               for               eight,               twenty...maybe               even               sixty               years,               as               with               many               parrots.

Make               the               right               choice,               take               your               time,               ask               lots               of               questions               and               use               common               sense!

If               you               are               uncomfortable               with               any               part               of               the               process,               chances               are               your               subconscious               is               telling               you               something.

Take               a               minute               and               listen               to               it!

Image of hybrid cat breeds for sale

hybrid cat breeds for sale
hybrid cat breeds for sale

hybrid cat breeds for sale Image 1

hybrid cat breeds for sale
hybrid cat breeds for sale

hybrid cat breeds for sale Image 2

hybrid cat breeds for sale
hybrid cat breeds for sale

hybrid cat breeds for sale Image 3

hybrid cat breeds for sale
hybrid cat breeds for sale

hybrid cat breeds for sale Image 4

hybrid cat breeds for sale
hybrid cat breeds for sale

hybrid cat breeds for sale Image 5

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