2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Anjelica Gammons 's blog ::Top Ten Cat Breeds

Anjelica Gammons 's blog ::Top Ten Cat Breeds

               There               is               a               wide               assortment               of               cat               breeds               available               to               purchase               as               house               pets.

Each               different               breed               has               their               own               look               and               personality.
               Persian               cats               have               a               distinctive               look               with               their               long,               thick               coat,               that               come               in               a               wide               variety               of               colors,               and               a               pushed               in               face               with               a               sloped               nose.

These               cats               have               a               sweet               and               relaxed               demeanor.

Persians               are               not               known               to               be               especially               curious               pets               and               do               not               usually               climb               on               furniture               or               kitchen               cabinets.

However,               they               do               need               constant               brushing               and               grooming               with               this               cat's               long               fur.

This               is               something               to               take               into               consideration               if               thinking               about               purchasing               a               Persian               cat.
               Maine               Coon
               Main               Coons               are               one               of               the               largest               domesticated               cats               in               North               America.

These               cats               have               a               long               haired,               heavy               water-resistant               coat               that               can               come               in               various               patterns               and               colors.

Main               Coons               can               have               a               sweet               and               loving               personality,               but               are               not               typically               good               lap               cats,               mostly               because               of               their               large               size.

They               do               like               a               lot               of               attention               and               enjoy               playing               with               their               owners.

However,               because               of               their               long               fur,               Maine               Coons               will               need               some               regular               grooming.
               British               Shorthair
               British               Shorthair               cats               can               date               back               to               as               early               as               ancient               Roman               times.

These               cats               are               not               very               common               in               the               United               States,               but               are               especially               abundant               in               Great               Britain.

British               Shorthair               cats               have               a               sweet               and               loving               personality               and               enjoy               a               lot               of               attention               from               their               owners.

They               are               usually               quiet               and               not               very               vocal.

As               like               their               name,               British               Shorthair               cats               have               relatively               shorthair               and               will               not               require               a               lot               of               groom               and               have               a               large,               solid               body.
               Russian               Blue
               Russian               Blue               cats               can               be               dated               back               to               the               mid-1800s.

Some               people               believe               the               this               breed               originated               in               Russia,               which               is               where               the               name               derives               from.

This               breed               as               a               short,               gray               coat,               that               is               spotted               with               silver.

Because               of               the               coat's               density,               the               hair               sticks               out               from               the               body               and               creates               a               shimmering               appearance.

These               cats               have               a               laid               back               and               loving               demeanor               and               are               usually               quite               clean.

Russian               Blue               cats               can               be               shy,               but               will               warm               up               to               their               companions               and               are               usually               skittish               around               strangers.

               Humane               Society               of               the               United               States:               Cat               Care               Essentials                              Cat               Fancier               Association:               Breed               Profile               Persian                              Fancier:               Maine               Coon               FAQ               

Image of largest cats breed

largest cats breed
largest cats breed

largest cats breed Image 1

largest cats breed
largest cats breed

largest cats breed Image 2

largest cats breed
largest cats breed

largest cats breed Image 3

largest cats breed
largest cats breed

largest cats breed Image 4

largest cats breed
largest cats breed

largest cats breed Image 5

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