2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'african serval breeder'|Savannah Cat

About 'african serval breeder'|Savannah Cat

               It               has               been               awhile               since               there               has               been               a               kitten               in               our               house.

I               had               forgotten               what               nonstop               fun               and               laughter               a               wild               little               cat               can               bring               into               your               home.

I               hadn't               been               looking               for               another               cat,               but               my               husband               bumped               into               an               old               high               school               friend               of               his               and               he               has               two               Savannah               cats.

Intrigued,               I               began               to               do               some               research               on               the               breed               and               got               hooked.

I               am               drawn               to               the               more               exotic               breeds               anyway,               having               an               Egyptian               Mau               of               my               own               for               almost               five               years               now.
               While               the               Mau               breed               is               a               true               domestic               cat,               the               Savannah               is               a               hybrid.

They               are               a               cross               between               an               African               Serval               and               a               domestic               cat.

They               come               in               F1               to               F6's               and               that               can               get               complicated               as               to               the               whole               genetic               thing.

For               example,               an               F1               has               an               African               Serval               as               a               parent               while               my               little               F6               has               African               Servals               as               great,               great,               great,               grand               papas               on               both               sides.

Most               people               want               them               because               of               their               beautiful               spotted               coats               and               their               intelligence.

A               lot               of               myths               have               grown               up               around               the               Savannahs,               too,               but               as               with               most               myths,               much               of               it               is               not               true.
               For               example,               most               people               think               my               little               kitten               will               grow               up               to               be               a               30               pound               behemoth.


She               will               be,               perhaps,               a               little               bit               bigger               than               an               ordinary               domestic               cat,               but               that               is               about               it.

If               she               were               a               higher               generation               SV,               then               she               might               be               a               little               bit               larger,               but               it               would               take               an               F1               to               be               anywhere               close               to               a               30#               cat               and               then               they               would               need               to               be               cross               bred               with               a               Maine               coon               cat               or               something               of               equal               size.
               One               of               the               reasons               I               wanted               a               SV               was               because               of               the               way               owners               describe               their               personalities.

They               are               smart               cats,               often               coming               when               they               are               called.

Even               as               young               as               Makena               is,               I               see               her               beginning               to               respond               to               her               name               at               times.

She               certainly               responds               to               my               voice.

She               is               not               going               to               be               a               lap               cat               by               any               means,               but               she               does               love               to               be               in               the               same               room               with               us,               but               most               often               it               is               while               she               is               busily               tearing               up               the               toilet               paper,               or               ripping               across               the               bed               to               pounce               on               my               husband's               feet.

She               also               waits               in               hiding               for               my               Yorkie               to               go               by               and               attacks               her.

She               shows               very               little               fear,               but               has               learned               some               respect               for               my               German               shepherd.

Missy               doesn't               tolerate               much               from               the               smaller               animals               and               when               she               has               had               enough,               she               simply               puts               her               foot               down,               literally,               on               the               animal               who               is               messing               with               her.

I               think               Makena               has               been               "stepped"               on               and               has               learned               she               must               not               mess               with               the               big               dog.
               I               am               enjoying               her               growing               and               learning               new               things               and               she               is               so               funny               to               watch               as               she               runs               around               the               house.

I               can't               wait               to               see               what               she               will               get               into               next,               but               I               am               also               quickly               learning               what               I               need               to               keep               closed.

I               warned               my               husband               just               yesterday               that               we               cannot               leave               the               toilet               paper               on               the               roll               thing               anymore               in               "her"               bathroom               because               it               will               just               all               be               unrolled               and               sitting               in               a               pile               on               the               floor.

I               have               also               warned               him               to               check               very               carefully               in               the               refrigerator               before               he               shuts               it.

She               is               so               fast               I               have               almost               shut               her               in               there               a               few               times               myself.
               If               you               are               looking               for               a               kitten,               give               the               Savannah               a               look.

Do               a               lot               of               research               first               and               know               what               you               are               getting               into.

But               once               you               decide               on               one,               I               don't               think               you               will               be               disappointed               and               be               sure               to               buy               from               a               reliable               breeder.

Image of african serval breeder

african serval breeder
african serval breeder

african serval breeder Image 1

african serval breeder
african serval breeder

african serval breeder Image 2

african serval breeder
african serval breeder

african serval breeder Image 3

african serval breeder
african serval breeder

african serval breeder Image 4

african serval breeder
african serval breeder

african serval breeder Image 5

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